Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ms. Mirza is getting married. BIG Deal?!?!

So Sania Mirza is getting married. So what is the big deal about it? So when was the last time she won a tennis match err.. when was the last time she played one? I suppose she is a tennis player, or may be i would be advised to use she was a tennis player.

What difference is it going to make if she is going to get settled in 'home awat from home' Dubai? And again what difference is it going to make if she is holding her indian passport to repesent the county in 2012 olympics, as if it is the only event where a medal is assured?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To Pass write Caste on answer sheet...?!?!?!

In new age India, students are expected to write caste on the answer sheet. How exciting is that? God.. i missed that chance when i was a kid. lolz
This, the authorities say is required by the authorities to asses how many people belonging to a caste have attended the exam and how much % of them has passed. I am not talking out of some weird dream which i had last night, follow this link to find it yourself.


Are we really going ahead as a nation? Why is it required to report based on caste, the attendance for an exam of class VIII? Are the officials going nuts with every passing day? I pity how the divide of caste is being planted in the kids. When will we see beyond all this? We talk of new age India, but the utter reality is we are no where near the so called 'new age'. Pretty sad to have started my day reading this article on TOI.

God save India.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

First One here.. :)

Back in the day someone famously remarked about English language as a funny language... :) Why i am saying it now is......
I wanted the blog address to read something as 'frommyeyes'. did not get it.. but got this 'frommyices'.

Not a brain twister.. if you really see the blog title and the url...as to what is gonna come up here.. :)
Still dont get it then wait for me.... ;)